♥Saturday, March 28, 2009
SYF is coming.
And henceforth the totally-insane-everyday-training-that-will-make-everybody-crazy-assed-retarded next week. whee..
After Tarian yesterday,
met Fami at CCK.
That boy just kept calling and calling and calling..
so when i finally picked up the phone,
he said he was already at CCK.
ppfffttt.. so i had to meet him.
It was the MOST boring meeting ever. i swear.
I was tired and have absolutely ZERO energy to layan him.
and he was getting sleepy cause he just went jogging.
So half way i told him i had to go for tutoring and that he should
just bersiap sedia untuk pulang ke tempat tinggalnya.
Being with him was just killing my brain cells
( like i wasn't already short of it after tarian )

Then then then..
i found out that i maybe getting another student
and that i have to extend my tutoring hours to 3 1/2 hrs for my current students.
wan was like:
tapi nanti u gaji lagi banyak kan?
thats true la.. but its besides the point!
i swear my body will be failing and if it can talk it'll say something like this:

dinah is a good teacher kan:)

♥Friday, March 27, 2009
Supposed to meet Wan at 245 at Jurong East but no..
at 245 BIOLboy was still at sengkang.
So i had to make my way to outram instead..pffft
Then, he texted me when i was at Commonwealth
asking where i was. so i told him.
and my dearest boyfriend thought it would be more convenient to meet at Tiong.
By that time i was already at tiong so i alighted and he wasn't even there yet!
otak sort uh bi!
So then after meeting Zhafri to collect my sastra notes we went to IMM to buy sushi
and then its off to Raffles Place.
At first i told him that Raffles place tkde pape.
BUT be wanted to walk to City hall.
and i was like ok.
Skali si BIOL jalan the wrong direction! and we ended up at freaking CHINATOWN!
In the end, dah malas, penat and i was ranting
we took bus:)
Had dinner at pastamania
while looking at the recepit i told Wan:
me: bi, the girl tadi name dier weiwei sey.
wan: sebab tu dier pon whale whale serve kite tadi
i laughed like hell.
Then it was off to Raffles City.
Walked around for a bit and bought a brand new wallet from River Island:)

TODAY(just now)
Can anyone EVER EVEN concentrate during an afternoon paper?!
Seriously.. anyone?Just raise up your hand. i swear i won't shoot you.
230 pm is the time PJ people eat lunch AND THEN sleep in class.
While i was happily tarian-ing away
SHAHRULNIZAM texted me saying he brought home my itouch
(feel free to insert any vulgarities you deem fit here)
My dearest BIOLboy was like:
Bi gy amek! klau tidak i terbalekkan your skl
hahaha. seramkan? i know.
Since i can't live without my music
i decided to drag my lazy ass to woodlands and collect my baby.
Then then then.. that mamat said:
Ko datang sini stakat nk amek ipod ko? Laa.. Aku ingat kao jumpe mateir kao. Kao tknk cakap siang2. Aku blh antarkan sak!
(feel free to insert MORE vugarities here)
pffttt...but he is still my crazy-assed-best-friend-whom-i-can't-survive-jc-life-without:):)

Tarian and Tutoring tomorrow
and the world ucap(s)kan GOOD LUCK dinah
harap harap tk ajar salah bende.
because i know and you know she'll be

i miss you boy:(

♥Monday, March 23, 2009
Had tutoring then met Wan and his sedare at Bugis.
i swear it was a freaking hot day so we decided to get a drink at Mac.
While he was busy wrestling with his money,
the counter person asked him if he was having it here or to go.
Being the biol boy that he is. He said
huh? having here? take away? i dunno.
the lady behind the counter was so confused.
i swear that was freaking retarded.
then we got bored
so we decided to walk to PS.
I was feeling uncomfortable that i'll bump into someone i knew
who was working there
but bf was like:
Jgn takot la. Dier buat pape kan i ade.
Nie, sedare i, dah biase potong telinge org.
bi jgn takot la.
Hahahahaha.. oookkkk.
So then we got bored(again) and headed down to Vivo.
We wanted to shop but we're both were kinda broke.
I have to wait till next month before i'm flushed again
and Wan had to wait till his pay comes through.
pffftttt.. the whole freaking world is about money.
Then it was time to go home.
The train back was packed giler. While me and Wan were talking
this guy fell on another guy who was seated(and sleeping)!
Maybe if he like a tripped it won't be so funny i guess.
But no.
he terjatuh when the train stopped and sat on the sleeping guy's lap!
HAHAHAH! terperanjat org tu.
Wan and me couldn't stop laughing!
it was effing hilarious
i told him:
Ayg, turn the other way and laugh uh. Tk baik.
But no, BIOLboy couldn't stop.


Exam season now.
Gp paper was fine.
All the extra reading paid off:)
Human geog paper was INHUMANE!
i couldn't remember the examples so i just
skimmed through the examples. Brief and totally useless statements.
Might as well have not written it but what the heck.
Economics paper tomorrow.
Feeling as though i haven't studied enough.
Then math and physical geog on wed.
and sastra on fridayyy. oh well.. let's just see what happens
what a looong week.

Oh april, pls come soon..
My hands are itching for a brand new pair
of shoes, maybe some new dresess,
a new bag, pastamania! blah blah blah blah..
hahah. you get the point.

♥Friday, March 20, 2009
Met my dearest bf today at Yishun.
Then its off to Hougang to collect
some of his things at his aunt's place.
While on the bus we played snakes and ladders
on mobile.
i won and Wan was like:
bf: eh bi! u cheat uh! i slalu dpt snake uh!
bodoh sak game ni!

HAHAH! yelah. i cheated. my phone what. i deserved every right to.

i thought he was just going to collect some baju-baju ke..

skali he came down with some god-forsaken trolley bag
and he had on this come-on-laugh-at-me-because-i-know-you-are-thinking-i-macam-baru-kene-tendang-luar-rumah face.
* controls laughter *
in the end, wan threw away the luggage.
yes people, he went to the dustbin and left the bad there; contents and all.
he said: Tak glam uh bi! tk kan gi tampines mall dgn bende gejadah niee!
waste akunye time gy same je.
Then its off to tamp mall (he was walking happily without the stupid bag.
No regrets whatsoever)
And i bought this really pretty necklace.
i wanted to use a $50 but it cost only like $10?
so he paid for me:) whee.

thats my BIOLboy for you.

♥Monday, March 16, 2009
You are the biol one.
you make me freaking crazy!
You got me lost in Khatib.
You dont let me take the NEL home.
You say im a freaking handicapped.
You ask why i have no pictures of you.
You say that Boon Lay is near Johor.

but i so in love with you!

ILY boy.

♥Saturday, March 7, 2009
I sprained my arm.

i miss you.
make me better.

♥Friday, March 6, 2009
Freak shit la.
I scored C for A level malay.
Now i have to re-take that damn paper.
How demoralising is that.
A malay student scoring a C for her own
freaking mother tongue.
Fucked up world up.
screw this.
Im mugging.

I'm just full of angst.

♥Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I've been sick really often recently.
macam all the time.
Fami's really worried.
He kept saying how i didn't know how
to take care of myself and that he
needs to be here to make sure i eat properly.
Its not that.
My body is just failing on me i think.
food or no food.

School has been effing crazy.
Its all about the paper chase.
(oh. and i need to rob popular soon. My stationery
is mysteriously disappearing)
Tarian, studies, tarian , studies, tarian, studies.
blajar. blajar. blajar.
but i need to push myself further. i know i need to.
Scholarships are important nowadays.
heck. Its just a fucked up world.

A-levels results tomorrow.

"Darling, i love you even though i know i don't
because its the easiest way to heal the pain."

Our blog is 100% copyrighted
Do not rip anything off
If we find out
you're screwed


Happily attached to that boy up there

Unrehearsed Words [:
I'm me and he's him. That's that. This is our blog so we're saying whatever we feel like. Please don't judge. But even if you do, we don't really care. The exit button is always available.

She loves her boyfie Izwann♥
He loves his girl Dinah♥

She wants to go uni
They wanna drive
and basically live life to the fullest
while still not going out of control♥


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Farahh Kamilahh Zhafrii Shazwann Hanisaa Hawaa Hamimahh Marinahh Rosnainii Siti

February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 May 2012

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