♥Sunday, May 31, 2009
Because i am a loser with a capital L.

i just had to say it right?
because i thought i was coping with it just fine.
Apprently i'm a stubborn ass
and i'm taking an awfully long time to change.
couldn't see that somebody cared
enough about me
and trying his hardest to make me better.

cause i'm feeling nervous
trying to be so perfect
cause i know you're worth it.
but why can't i just tell you that i'm scared?
cause these things i'll never say..
Someone once told me:
To love someone is equal to putting that someone first.
all the time
no matter what
About making him/her happy.
about what he/her wants.
always. period.
There's actually no 'us' in love
there's only your other half
because in love
there's no place for a 'me'
Putting a 'me' is putting yourself first
and that will only destroy your relationship.

you + me you = us
i guess..
i'm missing you badly
and i hope you'll forgive me

♥Friday, May 29, 2009
GP paper today:)
what a way to start the exam season.
woke up super late this morning -____-''
Of all the days to wake up late. Must be today.MUST eh.
what to do.. dinah's not a morning person (right baby?)
so that's strike one.
then 180 didnt come on time either because the bus driver pon overslept i think.
That or he got lost along the way.
strike two.
Then while rushing to try and make it to school before the gate closes i tripped and fell.TWICE.
so unglam.
strike three.
The exam venue so freaking freezing that i couldn't think. i swear. Some people were
already turning to ice.

After the exam, had MCS farewell party for the J2.
YES. our time of reign is over.
We oldies now have to pass our throne on to the younger ones.
Really memorable. They did a great job organising it:)
well done guys. Love you many many.

To my upcoming president, i wish you all the best in the coming year.
There will be time when you feel like tearing your hair out and times when you are thankful for the people around you. I've been through it. Just take it within your stride and you will do great.
i know you will. I'm always available if you need any help aite?:) <3

Missing Izwan badly now.
BIII! cepat-cepat move back tampines so that i can see you again

♥Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Halo baby!!!! hahahahaha. i'm now the author of your blog also... hahahahaha

Met her yesterday and wnt back to my place. She wanna wait for me at the RC but mummy came out and saw her. hahahaha. Die baru ingat nk hiding dari mummy, kesian baby. hehe.
Mummy ask her to come in but instead, she wait for me at the stairs. Aper larh baby. hahahaha.
While walking to Buangkok to grab sumting, i saw and pick up a toy. Baby played wit it and ignore me... PFFTTT. bnyk nye miss me. When i took it away fwom her, she make her famous "GEMBENG FACE" .... so i gave it back to her. Biii!!!! Not fair!!!! Eu tk kasi i touch the toy pon....Hmph! Baby tried to make the toy move as instructed on the pakage but couldnt. hahahaha. In the end she gave up and threw it away and layan me. YEAH!!! Junior 1 Stooopit toy 0. hahahahah.. Love baby alot. Mitin her later and i haven bath yet. Mummy is asking me to eat so bye bye. :)

♥Sunday, May 24, 2009
Went to Azpirasi's dance showcase with Izwan.
( the show was about ninjas, momoks and a really psychotic painter
i think, i was just laughing too much)
Met Aisyah and Zul, Niza and Asri, Hawa and Zhafri
and the rest of the tarian people there:)
As usual, the me, hawa, aisyah and niza
just created a big hoo-hah there
and are so the hell noisy.
what to do. we're all crazy.
After that went to KFC to have dinner along with our boyfies
we talked and laughed and talked and laughed.
So much fun. Its great that we could all get along:)

Izwan will be busy the whole of next week
cause he will be moving back to Tampines at the end of this month..
which is soon.
Can't meet him on the coming Saturday for our usual date.
*inserts gembeng face*
and he can't call as often or text cause his prepaid is low.
*inserts double gembeng face*
Can only see him after 13 days:(:(
yes..i counted
I'm already missing him so badly
but we'll make it through
things will be back to normal after this whole fiasco..
when he's back home and my exams are over:)
SO dinah shall be strong for the time being!
YES UH! eating tau huay gives you strength! so i shall eat it every day:)

i have 3 major papers to prepare for now.
ppffftttt..so the hell sucky.
life sometimes sucks balls.

oh.. here are the LOOOOONNNGGGG overdued tarian pictures from our SYF days.
yes.. it was a nong nong time ago. ENJOY:)

♥Tuesday, May 19, 2009
i hate this week. FREAKING AND ESPECIALLY hate this week.
I've been getting less and less sleep because
i've been sick so often that pretty soon
i won't be sleeping at all.

All i do is study all the time because apprently
i have no better way to spend my time
The only thing i like about school is
the breaks and the dismissal bells.
That's it. period.

People's been a bitch.
School is getting competitive.
i hear the twisted tongues.


You wanna get tough?
I'll be two times tougher.
You wanna get rough?
I'll three times rougher.
You wanna get high-strung
i'll be the bitch you'll remember.

♥Sunday, May 17, 2009
Your call by Secondhand Serenade

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
Call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?
(What's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes
me want to come back home [X4]
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

i need him so badly

♥Saturday, May 16, 2009
Someone just shoot me.
i beg you.. Just pull the trigger.

i was a bitch.
i shouldn't have acted up and cried.
yes, its not all about me.
i realised that.
thats why im apologizing.
But how could you just IGNORE it.
I-G-N-O-R-E it..
i'm trying baby.. i really am..
but i feel so hurt now.
its like what i say don't matter to you.
not even when i apologize.
and then you'll say that i always hurt you
and that i will always walk away scott-free
when i hurt your feelings, like i dont even care.
its not like that.
i do care.
tell me baby.. when you don't like the way i act.
i'll listen
i'll change.
and i won't do it again.

i understand you want to spend time with your friends
and that it cannot always be what i want.
i know that now.
so ill compromise.
i'll be whatever you want me to be
and go where ever you want me to go.
i'll do whatever you want me to do
and i'll put you first..
just give me time to adjust.

like i said..
i'll be fine.
i can take care of myself.

i won't be getting any sleep tonight.
Today's the most horrible day of my life
i fucking hate myself.
Why do i keep doing this.
repeating all my fucking mistakes
and making people fucking hate me.

♥Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm sick.
He's sick.
I'm here
and he's wayyyy
over there.
We can't change any of it.
So we'll make the best of it
cause it's as good as it can get.
Met dearest Izwan a few days ago.
Told him i was sick and that he should stay FAR FAR FAR away
from me.. but no.
Dengan semangatnye he said
''i tak senang jangkit. I kuat''
Skali today he texted me in the morning
saying that he's having a fever!
HAHAHHA. It being absolutely hilarious was not the point.
but still.. cannot deny its funny right?!
my BIOLboy..
Take care dear. missing you badly.
Ninja-ninja kat polyclinic dah panggil

♥Saturday, May 9, 2009

I wanna know what he wants and be what he wants.
I wanna see him always happy.
And give him everything
I didnt know being me could hurt someone so bad.

♥Saturday, May 2, 2009

I am a happy happy girl and will continue to be for the next 24 hours or so
because i got to see my boyfriend for 3 days straight:):)
yes.. i'm clingy i know.
but i don't care. i like it like this
Being the lazy girl that i am.
I will give you a not so wordy summary.
Went to explore COURTS warehouse and IKEA at Tampines
BIOLboy didn't tell me his mum was going to be there
and our argument about that went something like this
wan: u never ask
me: u never say
wan: u never tell
you tell me.. how am i supposed to be angry with him
Had dinner with Wan and his family.
Thought it will be weird but no.
it was ok:)
Accompained Izwan to the national library to finish his project.
Bbut because of the swine flu thingy..we had to be scanned before we could enter.
so leceh:(
So anyway, halfway through i got bored watching him type
and decided we should camwhore.
The result is that up there.
yang terpampang on your screen when you first viewed my blog:)
When both boy and girl are crazy.. either that
or he's WAYYYY cazier than me
While we were talking, we saw this guy coiling up his laptop cable
while yawning.
Funny thing was how big he yawned.
and he held that position for a good 5 minutes.ingat jaw lock ke ape.
Izwan thought he looked like that down there..

we couldn't stop laughing

Our blog is 100% copyrighted
Do not rip anything off
If we find out
you're screwed


Happily attached to that boy up there

Unrehearsed Words [:
I'm me and he's him. That's that. This is our blog so we're saying whatever we feel like. Please don't judge. But even if you do, we don't really care. The exit button is always available.

She loves her boyfie Izwann♥
He loves his girl Dinah♥

She wants to go uni
They wanna drive
and basically live life to the fullest
while still not going out of control♥


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Farahh Kamilahh Zhafrii Shazwann Hanisaa Hawaa Hamimahh Marinahh Rosnainii Siti

February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 May 2012

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