♥Tuesday, September 29, 2009
For a long time, many thought him my boyfie

of all the unglam moments..

never a proper shot
we little setans

see.. told you

love coach rides
like father like son
semangat sey

christmas malay style

I'm dreading school tomorrow so i've uploaded random
pictures just to make myself happy.


Met bf.
was supposed to have a picnic but by the time
we met it was too late.
so just hang around town je.
i was looking forward to it sey but
nvm there's always next time:)
at first i was furious!
plan smue tk jadi.
but dunno why i can never stay mad at him
for long
him and his cute face.
i look at it and i go
alalalalala.. so sweet. DAMN IT!
then we laugh it off and things are ok:)
When i was walking about, saw a lot of jobs available.
can't wait to start working.
beginning to get a little psycho with all the exams
while in the train.. me and bf decided to play the blinking game
when you can't blink and the person who
doesn't blink the longest wins..
you know that one.
apparently bf doesn't know so
when i counted to three
and open my eyes to start playing..
my dear dear boy ( to my surprise )
didn't want to open his.
i was like
and smart alec there replied

ILY so much none the less.

♥Thursday, September 24, 2009
Raya long long time agoooo:)

Ahhhh..when all we little setans mintak maaf:)



i don't really like this photo.

i look faaattt

mum and dad

i wore a baju kurung this year because.. well.. me lazy:)
anyway this was taken on the first day of raye.
that was the only day we raye-d
2nd day on its s-t-u-d-y


Met my baby:):) wheeee..
supposed to meet at 2 but..well..
nasib klau we can EVER meet on time.
in the end met at 315. AHAHAHAHA.
initially wanted to watch movie but
decided not to since there was not really anything good
to watch.
Actually just wanted to spend time with him.
so we sat down in Buangkok to just
have some quiet alone time:)
Felt so good! like therapy.
Then dear told me he had a dream that morning about me
it went somthing like this..
(clears throat)
He's abusive..
so he was punching me (in the dream lah)
but i was laughing (gile agaknye)
so that made him more angry and he
hit me even more!
then i broke up with him
and happily went for his brother instead...
a moment of silence for you all to digest.
ok now you all can laugh your asses off!
ape la sayang:)
i love you too much to leave you for anyone else.
especially not your abang.
that must be like incest of something.
i think.
so gross on so many levels.
i sound like such a whore in your dream!hahaha
B-I-T-C-H to the max.
i couldn't stop teasing him about it the whole day
ILY boy!

♥Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I freaking miss my baby.... Its been soo long since i last saw her... but no longer shall i suffer under the sorrows of loneliness cause we are meeting today!!! 

I feel fucking happy sia!! Can't wait to see her.

Go where ehk?? No plan sia... hmm...

Today i shall juz spend time with her and ignore the rest of the world chaotic, lonely but cute people out there. hahahha. 

Saturday got open house but house still messy.... Don't get me wrong. I'm not lazy juz don fell lyke it yet. hehe. 

Blogging is a funny thing cause its lyke reflecting on eurself and lyke we ALL haven done that enuff infront of the mirror. hahahaha. I feel lyke i'm having a conversation between me and my mind coz what my mind says i type it but when it comes to a choice of whether i shul type sumting bad or good it becomes a debate between me and my mind. hahahaha. Macam orang gile sak. 

now... what tyme shall i mit her??.... hmmm....

C'mon people, lets walk around with a dagger and slaps all those gangster wanabees with it. 

Going carzy from missing eu larh bi. Very random post not that i care. i juz wanna type sumting onie. heee.

Love my baby Princess alot. Smell eu later sayang! hehe

Bye-bye people! :)

♥Monday, September 21, 2009
i envy all you human beans yang tkde exams now.
When i look out the window, everyone tgh happy happy
and i'm stuck here studyinggg:(:(
so annoying.
Of all the sad events... this one is on top.
i swear.

Didn't really celebrate much this year.
partly because of exams
and partly because of my grandfather.
Don't know why..
but this year has been very teary.
A lot of crying since my grandmother passed away this year.
Never seen my mum cry so much.
i hope my grandfather gets better soon.
i know he misses her. thats why he's sick.

on another note.
its been very long since i last met my dearest boy.
feels so long.
missing him through and through.

will put up pictures soon.
if i have the time..
exam period again.

♥Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm thankful for everyday i get to be with him.
he's everything i adore and everything i couldn't live without.
With him i learn and grow to be a better person inside and out.

Sometimes it may be hard for me to hear my mistakes
but its even harder for him to tell me MY mistakes because
all he ever wants is to take care of me and not let me get hurt.
I appreciate all that he's done because it has only made us and our relationship stronger.
Everything he does is all for a reason.
And i love him for that.

I'm a different person now.
Not that i've completely changed me.
But i'm more aware of my surroundings now.
More aware of others.
And most importantly more aware of him.

I feel better than i've ever felt
because i realise my faults
and can take it positively.
Improve myself for the better.

and its all because there is someone to hold my hand
and lead me in the right direction.

♥Sunday, September 13, 2009
2 times in a row when i was supposed to fetch BF from school and i was late
i am simply not a morning person.
hahaha. but next time i make sure i'm early uh.
i go to school with you bi and wait till u dah abis!

anyway, break fast with my dearest boy last thursday in town.
We drank at coffee bean first cause he wanted to find his friend
but end up he's friend wasn't working that day.
Walked around ION and then suddenly i saw from a distance..RIVER ISLAND!
BF saw what i was looking at and, can you believe it, with all the manly strength he had he
shoved me out of the way!
i was like. BI!! RIVE... wooosh!
and he started saying things like.. tk la bi.. dier under construction. the windows maseh tutop.
ade jee.
in the end he let me go see:):)
and i really did see a niceee wallet.
didn't know if i should get it at first but then while eating i was like MUST HAVE IT!
so i forced him to eat quickly and then its back to buy it!

while in the shop, there was this guy who was standing under the display.
He was looking at his girlfriend pick out clothes or something and then BAM!
the boot dispplay fell on his head!
i wanted to laugh but tried to hold it in. My dearest boy did otherwise.
in the end i cannot tahan so i laughed too.
the poor guy soon walked out to save whats left of his pride.
While walking around, i ALOMST walked under the same boot display but BF was like
JANGAN BI! nanti the other side lak jatuh.

and that outing marks the end of being happy and welcome misery

hello exams! my dear dear friend.
you weren't gone long this time.
i'm sure you will be a pain in the ass and brain like you were last time.
i bet you will remind me how you are going to own my butt
but never mind.
when its time for As. Its ownage beybeh:):)

♥Monday, September 7, 2009
A few days ago, was helping my mum make roti kirai
for buke.
Being curious, i asked her why is it always yellow?
My mum was like
" tu food colouring je. Janti nampak lawa"
So i said:
me: klau tk nk colour yellow boleh?
mum: Abeh nk colour ape?
me: ibu ade colour ape? hehehehh.

My GREEN roti kirai!
she didnt let me do all. Cause it looked a bit frightening
Too bad my mum didn't have any blue or red colouring lying around.
It still tastes like roti kirai.
Still felt and smelt like it.
Its just green.
My dad and sis was like:
Eeeee!ape tu?!
boleh makan tk?
Tu lah. anak dare awak masak:) said my mum.
BIII! we are going to have colourful food soon:):)

♥Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thank you sayang.
that's all i needed to hear
i trust you.
Everything will get better.
And I'm strong:)
Hot ke pe? hehehe

♥Saturday, September 5, 2009
Been fighting alot wit baby recently... i dun no why oso....
Its hard to acknoledge the fact that we had alot of misunderstading...
Bi, eu had to know that i don wan this to happen too...
It juz did... We juz have to be patient baby..
Its not easy for me too...

If i could juz cry... that will make it alot easir...
Atleast it shows that i haf feelings too...
All the anger... the hatred has begun to take its toll...
Here i am.. burying all my feelings..
Juz living this life... turning the page one at a time....
Wondering when am i going to explode...

I'm no different than a floating box of doom....

I want to make eu happy so badly that i've begun to lose control of my thoughts..
When i'm with eu i feel so alive... No worries... No problems...
Juz haf to think bout eu...

Now that eu rare far... Things are different...
I'm slowly losing my sanity to the darkness of my heart...
I juz want to destroy everything...
Juz let everything burns...let everyone scream...
Burning their life... burning my dreams.....
All of this pain... all of this hate...
Burn it all down... as my anger rage...

I'm sorry for hurting eu...

I didn't mean it..

Its not that i'm spotting eur mistakes..

Its juz me... my side that wants to hate... 

I'm superior not becoz of me... its due to me being cold and harsh to people...

Till no one dares to go against me.. I haf only 1 fren who is willing to stand by me...

Even tho i treated him lyke trash... he is still willing... 

When i met eu then i realize what a jerk i am...

I'm sorry for the way i've treated eu... please give me some time...

Its all i need.... time... to make everything better...

I'm glad that eu r far.. but nt happy...
Atleast eu won't get to see my ugly side...
The side which i've supress inside of me for a long time...

I still love eu baby..

Nothings change..

The only thing that has change is that my feelings is getting deeper and deeper for eu...

Whish i could be there to console eu ryte now...
Tell eu that everything is fine...
To wipe eur tears...
To hold eu.. kiss eu.. hug eu...
To be with eu...

All i want is a simple life..
A life with eu by my side...
Love eu till the end of time dear...

If only i can show my love towards eu...
The reaction upon the affection eu have towards me...

Things are going to be fine...
I promise..

been feeling so downnn..
so emo nemo..
dunno why also..
everything i do makes me feel so depressed.
doing what i love also makes me sad.
just want to curl up in the corner and cry myself to sleep every night.
sucks to be me now.

i put the phone away
when i need to catch my breath from crying too hard
will say everything is fine
when tears would be flowing
i'll wait by the phone
cause he said he'll text

bulan ramadan bulan yang paling mulia..
but it feels like it's the hardest
fighting so much.
meeting so little.

♥Wednesday, September 2, 2009
SAyaNG!!!!! I MISSED THE BUS!!!!! now at home.... DAMN!!!!! Lepas sahur i tk sleep alek. At 7a.m. i baring2... 8a.m. i wake up... but i was fast! I leave house at 8.30 a.m. but all the aunties and anya sooo SLLOWW and dey make me late... its not my fault... I reach skul by 9.30 a.m.... They can't even wait for 15 min... den i go home... All my frens have a good time and i'm stuck at home...

BBBBI!IIIII!!!! i know eu are sleeping ryte now... haiz.... sooo saaddd..... Den wen i otw home got some people looking at me lyke never see people before... I scared den i luk down jer... sume pompan... I would have luk at dem but the ting is... none of them were eu...

I miss eu larh bi...

dAMn Skull BUS... Damn all the aunties at the interchange... make me late onie...

THATS IT!!! FRom tomorrow onwards I, Izwan, shall be early for everything!!!

I don't care, i sondol jer tu nonya nonya sume!!

I shall rule the bus!!!

That's all folks! Have a nice day =)

Our blog is 100% copyrighted
Do not rip anything off
If we find out
you're screwed


Happily attached to that boy up there

Unrehearsed Words [:
I'm me and he's him. That's that. This is our blog so we're saying whatever we feel like. Please don't judge. But even if you do, we don't really care. The exit button is always available.

She loves her boyfie Izwann♥
He loves his girl Dinah♥

She wants to go uni
They wanna drive
and basically live life to the fullest
while still not going out of control♥


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Farahh Kamilahh Zhafrii Shazwann Hanisaa Hawaa Hamimahh Marinahh Rosnainii Siti

February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 May 2012

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